Required: {endpoint, output} With your xsl it is easy to directly index the string you are interested in. This looks like a bug in the XML to JSON template used by Icecast (xml2json.xslt). To get the site display new metadata information without refreshing, you need to use an AJAX call which either loads directly the status-json.xsl and extracts the metadata and updates it on the page, or if you use the admin XML you need to write a PHP script which returns json, that you can fetch via AJAX and update accordingly. now our php script returns only the title of the first stream, we need something where we can say like eg: However, an Icecast-compatible Status Page can be enabled. This security issue affects all Icecast servers running version 2.4.0, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 or 2.4.3 if there is a “mount” definition that enables URL authentication. If this is your Icecast Server, you can easily write a custom xsl, to generate custom XML or JSON that contains the information that you need. (more info here ) An example for this is the xml2json.xslt . It works! hy we have an icecast server with multiple streams on is it possible to get te data from one stream? title/description is one url, history is another url, and a third url to try and get server datetime). I'll try to look into it if I can figure out a bugfix. I had the same idea and tried the status-json.xsl provided by icecast. But I struggled with the resulting JSON. With Icecast there is luckily no need to get a server datetime from endpoint, output, and name cannot be used globally with the streams option set. i use post man for the debugging. @user2403927 Plus, it will be nicer if you can format the return data as standard xml or json :) – 蒋艾伦 May 31 '13 at 2:48 I decided to add a comment anyway. /* html, icecast, javascript, jplayer, jquery icecast support get track title now playing*/ function radioTitle() { // this is the URL of the json.xml file located on your server. We will provide you Icecast Shoutcast Metadata API details after you purchase this subscription… API will work for Icecast, Shoutcast 1 and Shoutcast 2 Radio Server A JSON array of streams to record or archive. JSON is convenient as it would need next to no processing by a server script before being passed to a Webplayer or used on a webpage via XHR. streams. IceCast jSON URL: compile only for Icecast channels ; IceCast mountpoint: only required for some Icecast channels, ask your provider for more info; compile with ID if this is your provider; Airtime: compile this field if you use Airtime provider; Radionomy: compile this field if you use Radionomy provider With Shoutcast v2 there is luckily JSON support but it's still 3 urls since, you are just spared having to scrape anything. * API provide current playing song Metadata for Icecast / Shoutcast in plain text format or JSON * API is user key authentication based. It is not converting a '-' to a string, maybe because it thinks it's a negative number although there is no digit. With the icecast xsl I would have to search through first, to find the correct index for a certain mountpoint. JSON configuration--config All of the above options can be noted in a configuration JSON file. A malicious client could send long HTTP headers, leading to a buffer overflow and potential remote code execution. Stream level options override global options. Instead of the "Icecast Status Page", by default, RSAS has a JSON /health URL, which contains the server status and listener counts for each mount. Now as Icecast uses XML internally (mentioned on the icecast-dev mailing list recently) a alternative could be:
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